Monday, August 29, 2005

Boxer Complete Profile

Boxer Complete Profile: "Temperament:
The Boxer is intelligent, alert, fearless, loyal and self-assured. Boxers are very extroverted with high levels of energy and they are often boisterous. This breed are bright and friendly when playing and are determined and brave when aroused. Boxers can be distrustful of strangers and make good watchdogs and guard dogs. They respond well to firm consistent discipline and training. Boxers make excellent companions for adults and children. "

Boxer Complete Profile

Boxer Complete Profile: "Temperament:
The Boxer is intelligent, alert, fearless, loyal and self-assured. Boxers are very extroverted with high levels of energy and they are often boisterous. This breed are bright and friendly when playing and are determined and brave when aroused. Boxers can be distrustful of strangers and make good watchdogs and guard dogs. They respond well to firm consistent discipline and training. Boxers make excellent companions for adults and children. "

Beef Cookies Pet Food

Beef Cookies Pet Food: "Animals, because they are color blind, choose their foods by smell. Most dogs like gamey flavors
best, as well as liver, fat, garlic, onions, horsemeat, lamb, beef, cheese and fish. Cats enjoy chicken,
liver, fish, turkey, lamb, and yeast, and prefer fresh to aged flavors.

Remember that cats are fussy eaters and it is not wise to continually feed them their favorite foods.
Soon they will refuse to eat anything else; it is your job to see your cat has a balanced diet. "

A small piece of carpet

A small piece of carpet: "I have learned a lot about nurturing a positive identity of love and appreciation from the man who taught me to train dogs. Dogs and humans both have a 'self identity' that determines perception of the world, behavior, and one's sense of self worth. Let me explain how my teacher nurtured a positive self identity in the dogs he trained."

Adopting A Dog

Adopting A Dog: "There are lots of ways that people choose a new family dog. Some may search the newspaper for advertisements from breeders who are selling new puppies; others find breeders via listings on the internet, while still more may simply purchase a puppy from a local pet store. Perhaps the best method, however, in terms of being helpful to society in general is to adopt a dog from a local animal shelter"

A Dog Day Care Business Can Be a Lot Of Fun

A Dog Day Care Business Can Be a Lot Of Fun: "If you love dogs and you enjoy making money then a dog day care business may be a very good fit for you
Let me ask you a question, 'Can you imagine starting your very own dog day care business?' If you asked yourself that question and still aren't sure, let me give you a bit of dog day care business advice....
First, make sure that you truly love dogs. Second, study your area and see if there is a large dog population. Finally, get some legal advice."

17 Tips That'll Safeguard You and Your Family From Dog Bites or Attack

17 Tips That'll Safeguard You and Your Family From Dog Bites or Attack: "Did you know that more than one million north americans will be bitten by dogs this year, and about one million dog bites will go unreported. Its sad but most of the victims will be children. These dog bites will come from animals known to them. Unleashed dogs will account for most of the bites inflicted.
What Makes Dogs Bite "

7 Simple ways to safe Guard your dog this summer

7 Simple ways to safe Guard your dog this summer: "If you have a hard time in summer imagine how it must feel under a fur coat! here are some simple tips to help your dog beat the heat.

1) Bob The Hair:
If you have a shaggy dog like a pomeranian, Pekinese or any such variation then listen up. Your dog needs a hair cut. Tha hair should be cut with scissors and not shaved. Do not cut around the whiskers but you can carefully trim around the eyes.The less hair on your dog the cooler he will keep. If you have a short haired dog no need for a trim."

7 Puppy Naming Tips

7 Puppy Naming Tips: "You?ve picked out the perfect puppy. You spent hours on the internet, researching the right breed for you and your family. Then you went from breeder to breeder or humane society to humane society, meeting and greeting pups until you find just the right match.
Now what? He needs a name! "