Sunday, September 11, 2005

So you want to be a house sitter? Here's how (and you won't be paid a cent).

So you want to be a house sitter? Here's how (and you won't be paid a cent).: "If you're thinking that you would like to housesit to make some extra money, turn away now. Because if you advertise your house sitting services with an online matching service such as mine, you won't be paid a cent for your efforts. In fact, you'll be paying for your share of the bills during your house sitting assignment (and you may be asked for a security deposit by the home owner).
What is a free house sitter required to do?" Look after the dog - more online

Dog Jewelry: A Celebration of Man's Best Friend

Dog Jewelry: A Celebration of Man's Best Friend: "Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.' - Milan Kundera
The idea of wearing jewelry with dog motifs may seem strange to most people. The dog is normally not anywhere near as graceful as the cat or the dolphin, which both make for wonderful jewelry patterns, indeed. But the appeal of dog jewelry may surprise some, and the beauty that comes with the designs in dog jewelry would catch even gem-lovers off-guard.
Why wear dog jewelry?" More online